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Confira fotos de Jessie J, Nicole Scherzinger, Emeli Sandé e outros que participaram do "Give It Up For Comic Relief" na noite desta quarta-feira

Este ano, o evento de caridade ''Give It Up For Comic Relief'' teve a participação de vários artistas empenhados na causa para levantar fundos para projetos solidários. Jessie J, Nicole Scherzinger e Emeli Sandé e outros animaram o público com hits bastantes populares.

Nicole, além de performar seu último single ''Boomerang'', cantou alguns trechos de um grande sucesso do grupo que participava, o ''Pussycats Dolls'',  ''Don't Cha''.

Jessie J, cantou ''Price Tag'' e agitou o publico com a ''Do It Like A Dude'', e além disso ela raspará o cabelo para o evento beneficente nos próximos dias. Emeli Sandé encantou à todos com ''Next To Me'', a além delas, Paloma Faith e o comediante Russel Brand também estiveram em Wembley.

Veja as fotos:
Hair today, gone... soon: Jessi J took to the stage at Give It Up For Comic Relief at Wembley in a sheer lack crop top and a PVC skirt. The singer joked that she was making the most of her hair before she shaves her head
Jump around: The singer performed her track Dude It Like A Dude first for the crowd at Wembley and put on an energetic show
Jump around: The singer performed her track Dude It Like A Dude first for the crowd at Wembley and put on an energetic show
Going for it: The Price Tag singer dropped down to her knees and was seen reclining back showing off her toned and taut stomach
Everybody loves air guitar! Jessie was clearly feeling the music and was seen playing an imaginary instrument
Fierce! As well as her all-black outfit Jessie added a flash of colour to her ensemble with bright red lips
Rear of the year? Nicole showed off her shape in the high-waisted knickers and a bra with a mesh top
Dancing queen: Nicole looked in incredible shape as she performed some intricate dance moves during the set
Dancing queen: Nicole looked in incredible shape as she performed some intricate dance moves during the set
She's a Brit girl: Emeli Sandé showed off her award-winning skills on stage
Incredible sounds: Emeli performed her upbeat songs as well as the slow song Clown during the set
Wave your hands in the air: Paloma Faith wore an eccentric look on stage
Play fight: At one point, Paloma had a rehearsed 'fight' with her guitarist
Doing the hump! Rizzle Kicks put on an incredibly high-energy set for the crowd
Fresh new talent: Jake Bugg was among the younger singers to take to the stage for the event
Don't look back in anger: Noel Gallagher performed an Oasis classic to close the show

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